Training Bumpers.

We offer training bumpers. Thanks to their construction, they are more and more often replacing traditional cast-iron bumpers. Rubber granulates used in production of bumpers protect from vibration and noise while falling.


Crossfit gyms

Weighlifting training




Vibration isolation


Noise abatement


Our bumpers are manufactured from the appropriate fraction of the granulates also in hot technology. We offer bumpers in a variety of repetitive shapes, thickness, hardness and weight.

We provide bumpers with or without a sleeve. To meet your expectations, we realize also special orders to produce milled inserts with the logo.

Two pieces of each weight make a set:

    • 5 kg – thickness 31 mm
    • 10 kg – thickness 62 mm
    • 15 kg – thickness 86 mm
    • 20 kg – thickness 113 mm
    • 25 kg – thickness 142 mm

It amounts to 150 kg.

Training bumpers

Used as safe training load in gyms, protect the floor and reduce noise.

Dimensions:outer 450/51 mm hole
Type:5, 10, 15, 20, 25 kg with or without a sleeve
Thickness:respectively – 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 mm
Colour:black, mosaic (plus an option with the extruded logo of the customer)
Training bumpers